
Upper Lachlan Landcare teamed up with Cam Wilson from Earth Integral in 2017. Cam delivered 3 workshops explaining how water moves through the landscape, the erosion process and demonstrated techniques to stabilise small active erosion cuts.

Cam introduced participants to a set of guiding principles that help prioritise activities to stabilise erosion sites and start rehydrating the landscape. These days were very practical and hands-on. Participants went away with a very positive and clear sense of suitable action they can take to slow water movement across the landscape and increase stable hydration of their property.


Upper Lachlan Landscape Repair Case studies (prepared by Cam Wilson in 2016)

These 3 case studies are based on local examples, Bevendale, Cullerin and Laggan. General erosion forms, scales, severity, and stages are considered and discussed. Where possible, the intention has been to identify opportunities for landholders to tackle issues themselves. In some cases, available rock, logs, brush or vegetation can be put to effective use, while at certain scales professional advice and engineering is essential.

Case study 1 faces a wide variety of active erosion issues, at a range of scales. For readers who are facing minor erosion issues that they would like to understand and potentially tackle themselves, whether that be a scald, active sheet erosion, rills that seem to be deepening, small gullies that are active and moving, or larger gullies that are bare and unsightly, there is a good chance you will find an explanation and management strategy for tackling such issues amongst the suite this property contains.

Case study 2 has undergone extensive gully erosion in the past, but has now largely stabilised. Both the erosion and stabilisation processes that the landscape has progressed through are discussed along with threats to maintaining this stability over time.

Case study 3 contains threats to natural and farm infrastructure, with a small intact swampy meadow threatened by gully erosion and subsequent drainage, and a steep re-entry on an erosion-control dam facing major stability issues.

While it is hoped that the case studies will help readers identify similar repair opportunities and generate ideas for their own land, and where possible an attempt has been made to discuss general processes to widen the educational value of the case study report, it is important to understand the context-specific nature of repair strategies and to seek professional advice.

To request a copy of these case studies please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.