Welcome to Upper Lachlan Landcare

Upper Lachlan Landcare (ULL) is a not-for-profit community-based network committed to restoring the environment, improving agricultural sustainability (both economically and environmentally) and supporting communities around the Upper Lachlan region of New South Wales.

Would you like to be part of and/or support a community driven, volunteer organisation committed to building resilient landscapes and communities across the Upper Lachlan? Please consider joining our efforts!

Grazing for Growth

Upper Lachlan Landcare Grazing Group is enabling and supporting better outcomes for our graziers and our landscapes.


Habitat Connectivity

We are supporting landholders to increase biodiversity and benefit from ecological services - and save our native species like the Superb Parrot


Younger Landcarers

We are working with school aged students to support them as they learn and care for our environment.



Local Native Planting Guide: All the local knowledge and experience we could muster together is compiled into this little booklet. This is a handy reference for anyone thinking about a revegetation project in Upper Lachlan.

Grazing Group Case Studies: This booklet captures the personal, lived experiences of local landholders implementing practices to profitably improve the health of their landscape.

Celebrating our Local Flora and Fauna: These booklets take an introductory look into the beautiful natural world that is all around us in the Upper Lachlan Shire.

Copies are available at all your local Landcare events and various community locations throughout the Shire. To download copies, follow the links under the Resources tab.

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